Monday, September 29, 2008

C'mon - gimme some of your... bacon tots!

Whaaa...? Bacon wrapped tots?!? "Pfft - Yeah - pfft!" I hear you say, but lo and hearken True-Baconers - 'tis as true as the North Star... 'tis! This heaven sent dish was first reported waaayyyy back in 2007 by a heaven sent blog called "Bacon Unwrapped". In this blog "Bacon Wrapped Tots", we see how the author dared to combine the pure essence of bacon with the amazing invention of tots, and finding out it can yield, yet again a dish for us to marvel and feast upon while watching Masterpiece Theatre or the Presidential Debates. However, True-Baconers, the author was not, could not be finished. Nay. The author had to seek a professional venue for this creation and found it in the eclectic state of Iowa; specifically, in the High-Life Lounge in Des Moines. Much thanks to Heather Lauer for her investigative efforts into our favorite food source and much luck to her and her forthcoming book! True-Baconers, marvel upon Ms. Lauer's and the other bacon pioneers we have already and will continue to report right here to inspire you to dare to dream, experiment and feast upon... bacon!

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