Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So Amazing... It's already sold out!

Hail Baconites! In our little area of the world, the sun is starting to angle away from us - causing us to want more bacon and watch football and hockey. While it is also a time to reflect on what was gained and what was lost, it it more importantly a time to dress warmer. From this we have learned of the bacon scarf being created and sold to the masses. However, before we could even get this article written - the scarf sold out - months ago! It is likely suspected that people, in dire need of bacon - thought this scarf was a strip of bacon from the cryptid known as "Mega-Sus Scrofa" or a.k.a. "Never Ending Bacon - NEB". "NEB" has not been confirmed or disconfirmed as of yet, but what is confirmed is that the amazing Bacon Scarf is still not back in stock, and Baconites in the north are looking for something to keep them warm in the coming months and for a mega-portion of bacon. Will the cries of both be answered? Will the scarf come back in stock? Will NEB be found? Keep coming back for updates True Baconites!

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