Friday, October 24, 2008

Date Line: Central Minnesota, Bacon declares it's candidacy!!!

Allright, not so much bacon as the Bacon Party.

I know, "I always knew bacon was a party, duh!!" No, this is the Bacon Party, and the candidates have joined the race for the White House! Our ticket is the Bacon progressive Clepper/Larkin pairing.
More to come on this momentous moment in the history of bacon and it's impact on America and the American way of life.
Read more and see the candidates views and the party's platform by joining the campaign's FaceBook group!
It's time to stand up America, why not stand up with bacon?

1 comment:

Pork_BUTT said...

Well Baconites,

Here we are in the real thick of the race for the White House. Clepper/Larkin 08 is on the rails and shows no signs of slowing. Our platform is forthcoming and our resolve is firm, as firm as crisp and salty bacon.
I think we can all let a collective sigh of relief when the Clepper/Larkin Bacon ticket emerges victorious from this fray and leads America into a new era of Bacon and Bacon-y Freedom.
There is no finer statement that could be made with your vote than to vote Bacon. A vote for Clepper/larkin is a vote for Bacon and all that it stands for. Remember; Mom, Apple Pie and Baseball are all well and good, but isn't Bacon just all of those rolled into one thing and more? There is a deep undercurrent in America today to acknowledge that fact and the campaign of the Bacon Party aims to split the pork belly of America open and expose that raw, untamed desire for Bacon and Freedom.